阅读 · 发布日期 2021-07-11 10:22 · admin 叉车的主要作用是什么?
What is the main function of forklift?
l) According to the analysis of the economic benefits of forklift in foreign countries, one forklift can replace the manual labor of 8-15 stevedores.
2) Shorten the operation time, speed up the material turnover speed, so as to speed up the utilization of vehicles and ships, and improve the production efficiency.
3) Make full use of the space and save the warehouse area. If forklift truck is used, the goods can be stacked more than 3m, and the utilization rate of warehouse volume can be increased by 30% - 40%.
4) Pallets and containers are used to hold goods, which simplify the packaging of goods, save packaging, reduce loading and unloading costs, improve operation efficiency and safety of goods.
5) Forklift operation can relieve heavy physical labor, reduce cargo damage and personnel injury accidents, and improve the safety of operation.
2、叉车由哪铜钟 一次性止血带 标志桩模具 钢丝轮 流水槽模具 防撞墙模具 检查井钢模具 不锈钢铸件 模锻件几部分组成,各自的主要作用如何?
2. What are the components of forklift and what are their main functions?
Forklift is mainly composed of power unit, chassis, working device and electrical equipment.
What is the main function of forklift?
l) According to the analysis of the economic benefits of forklift in foreign countries, one forklift can replace the manual labor of 8-15 stevedores.
2) Shorten the operation time, speed up the material turnover speed, so as to speed up the utilization of vehicles and ships, and improve the production efficiency.
3) Make full use of the space and save the warehouse area. If forklift truck is used, the goods can be stacked more than 3m, and the utilization rate of warehouse volume can be increased by 30% - 40%.
4) Pallets and containers are used to hold goods, which simplify the packaging of goods, save packaging, reduce loading and unloading costs, improve operation efficiency and safety of goods.
5) Forklift operation can relieve heavy physical labor, reduce cargo damage and personnel injury accidents, and improve the safety of operation.
2、叉车由哪铜钟 一次性止血带 标志桩模具 钢丝轮 流水槽模具 防撞墙模具 检查井钢模具 不锈钢铸件 模锻件几部分组成,各自的主要作用如何?
2. What are the components of forklift and what are their main functions?
Forklift is mainly composed of power unit, chassis, working device and electrical equipment.
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